
Showing posts from 2016

Why Muscles Not Grow?

  Written by Muhammad Abdel Fattah  A very important issue for junior who frequent asked their coaches, why my muscles not grow? Please read   1- For neglecting legs work out Your muscles do not grow: For neglecting legs, work out The power generated from your lower half is essential for nearly every sport Working out the giant leg muscles causes your heart to beat really fast, like extreme cardio fast. "the source of the growth hormone testosterone exercises   2- Follow your own Schedule  Your muscles do not grow because you trying to apply the same schedule of workout and food diet of your friend that wrong your body is different than your friend.  3 - Missing Drink Water Your muscles do not grow: you neglected to drink water .The greatest portion of our body weight is made up of protein and water, with around 65% being water. Water is critical to the balance of all the body's systems, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and muscles. so ...