3 Tips to Improve Chest Muscles

There's nothing like that feeling after raise up big weight in chest work out , it's probably the most commonly used to measure muscle strength in the gym . But to get a big chest muscles and increase the weights and loads is not an easy task , but there are several simple guidelines if followed will be able to enhance and strengthen the muscles of the chest . 1 - Negative weight training: Doing negative weight training by using heavy weights once or twice a month, has impressive effect to increase the strength and the ability to left heavy weight Body builder who hasn't on his schedule day for negative weight training will lose huge of muscles can gain . Negative weight training is a technique that focus on the eccentric part of a particular movement. For example, the bench press has two parts to the movement, a concentric phase and an eccentric phase. The eccentric part of the bench press is when you lower the weight down to your chest. Your muscles are lengthening...