How to Build Big Triceps

written by :Muhammed Abdel Fattah

 You may have heard many times, the triceps makes up most of the upper arm mass - if trained correctly. The triceps - tri meaning three heads - should be trained and developed just as intensely and methodically as the biceps

The Triceps Brachii has three heads which connect the humerus and scapula to the ulna (in the forearm). The Lateral, Medial, and Long heads make up the triceps.

The head that is most responsible for the horseshoe shape is the Lateral head which is located on the outward facing side of the humerus. The Medial head is located towards the midline of the body and the Long head (the largest of the three) is located along the bottom side of the humerus.

An excellent move to begin your triceps workout, the pressdown begins filling your arms with a good pump to warm up the joints and prepare the triceps for is essential that you use heavy loads. This means exercises like dips and close-grip bench presses.

Exercise One

Rope Pressdown

1- Standing in front of a cable tower with both hands on the rope, lock your elbows at your sides and press down

How to:

A -   Attach a resistance band into the top of a doorway and tie a lose knot in the band about halfway down.
B- Hold the band in each hand and begin the exercise with the elbows bent at about 90 degrees, elbows next to the        torso.
C-  Extend the arms, taking the hands down towards the floor, spreading the band slightly out on either side as you contract the triceps.
D-  Bring the forearms back to start and repeat for 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps.

2-  Close Grip Dips

 The close grip triceps dip helps work the inner part of the triceps muscles, its far harder than the normal triceps dips, as you also have to work your core muscles.

Position yourself on a secure bench, with your hands tucked behind your buttocks close together, fingers facing forward, ideally with your thumbs touching each other

Extend your feet out to your front, the further your feet are away from the bench, the harder the exercise, however always aim to keep a slight bend in the leg to reduce the stress on the knee joint.

3- Hammer Grip Lying Dumbbell French Press

Performing lying triceps extensions with dumbbells is a lot like performing them with a barbell, lying dumbbell extensions, grab a pair of dumbbells having a desired weight and then sit on a flat surface such as a bench or the floor.

Shoot for three sets of 12 to 15 reps. "Don’t forget, the tricep is comprised of three muscles that need equal attention to develop the complete horseshoe.

Written by  :    Muhammed Abdel Fattah


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