Tips to get Huge and Powerful Biceps

Written by : Muhammed Abdel Fattah Most people alleged that there is a secret how to get biceps, but in fact there is no mystery at all, here are some tips and warnings to increase the size and muscle mass of biceps. 1. Combine Hummer exercise to your exercise groups : When talking about biceps muscle, everyone starts talking about changing the angles of the exercise, but do not take into account the exercise of brachialis, many of trainee have thin brachialis, your workout for brachialis will add a great form of muscle is also a good size, so combine Hummer exercise to your exercise groups and you will see a marked increase in muscle size and shape. 2. Work out your biceps after a day of rest: If you have muscle weak biceps so start work out it after the rest day, most trainee begin their week work out by large muscle postponement, biceps work out to end of week , which does not lead to good results in the growth of the muscles of the arms they h...