The importance of Testosterone Hormone
1. Increase Muscle Mass: Testosterone hormone plays a fundamental role in this point, therefore, we find girls are less able to build muscle than boys, because women have very few hormone compared to men.
2. Increase bone strength.
3. Improving the heart: It also increases the production of red blood cells
4. Fat Burning: Testosterone hormone is very important in this matter, and if you can increase this hormone , your ability to burn fat will increase dramatically.
There are also many other benefits, so we find some bodybuilders increase this hormone unnatural way, to shorten the time and get the results they were dreamed about.
But our goal to get a healthy body, most of us know the dangers of injecting yourself by manufactured Testosterone hormone , so I will talk about the natural way to increase testosterone hormone .
How to increase testosterone hormone in a natural way
1. Fat Burning: This is the reason why bodybuilding coaches advise trainees to burn fat at first (at least down to 18% fat) before proceeding to increase muscle mass, because the secretion of testosterone hormone decreased when fat percentage in body increases, so to increase hormone secretion by reducing the accumulated fat in your body.
2. Eating useful fat : taking useful fats in reasonable quantities is good way to increase the secretion of hormone, for example, you can eat a reasonable amount of olive oil, and you'll notice the difference in short time.
3. Squat exercises and dead lift: Studies have proven that these exercises are important, and plays a role in increasing the secretion of testosterone hormone, so you should not neglect the legs exercises, and lower back exercises , in order to get the full benefit of the rest of your exercises.
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