How to make your muscles strong?

How to make your muscles strong?

A Strong, muscular body, all young people dream of had it and they can achieve it with by determination which will help them give their bodies' energy, making them healthy and resistant to disease.

Ways to build strong muscles

 follow a high calorie diet that provides the body with the energy needed to build muscle.

Increase your daily intake, because eating only when you are hungry and stopping when you are full will not help your athlete achieve his underlying goal of building strong muscles.

Eat five meals a day by giving the body the food it needs without waiting for a period of hunger.

Take some nutritional supplements that do no harm to the body, because they are a catalyst for muscle building.

Drink plenty of water because dehydration will slow down muscle building.

Identify the nature of your body by following the changes you get, in order to take the right steps to deal with these changes.

 Exercise properly without rushing to get results.

Begin major exercises involving all body parts in order to increase the overall physical strength.

Exercise with some friends because they offer positive support.

 Listen to some songs during exercise as they increase activity.

The work out program changes every week because when a muscle gets used to a particular exercise, its use decreases, so the individual will not be able to achieve his goal of strengthening his muscles.

Foods that strengthen muscles

Eggs: Eating eggs on an ongoing basis gives the individual the right amount of protein needed by his body, and also will not increase the calories entering it, which will ensure the athlete to build healthy and strong muscles.

Almonds: Almonds contain vitamin E, which keeps the cells of the body, and keeps the body healthy and strong, and so whenever an individual eating a small amount of almonds on a daily basis, will ensure the maintenance of health.

Yogurt: Yoghurt contains carbohydrates, and protein, which are important for the body, and continue to eat them lead to the growth of muscles in a manner commensurate with the nature of the body
Muscle strengthening exercises

the push-up exercise depends on the resistance of the feet to gravity, and it contributes to strengthening the abdominal muscles.

 The horizontal bar exercise relies on pressing hands, catching a cylindrical piece of iron, with a small thickness.

The crushing exercise is practiced by placing the feet on the couch, placing the upper body on the floor, and starting up and down, which contributes to strengthening the abdominal muscles.

 Push-up exercise depends on the hands and feet, with the aim of building chest muscles.
Swimming helps strengthen all muscles of the body.

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