Body Builder , Muhammad Abdel Fattah

 Egyptian Body Builder 

Muhammad Abdel Fattah 

                                     Muhammad Abdel Fattah

Big Hard Chest


 Abdel Fattah's hard back

                        Abdel Fattah's Board Shoulders

Muhammad's Status

Age:23years -old

Height:185 cm

Weight:87 kg

Waist:62 cm

Arm : 39 cm

Chest: 103 cm

Calves :35 cm

Thigh : 62 cm

About You

I was born , in a small village, I worked in farming from early days working there is hard and tough which help me to be strong so have studied hard to change my life and I have gained scholarship from university of state in Agriculture school.

After I have finished study there , I served in army for three year it was tough times,then I worked in many jobs and now work in Gym as bodybuilder coach

Facebook : Muhammed Abdel Fattah


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