How to choose fat-burning meals

It was a delicious fat-burning meal. How do I know?

It's not because I read the labels on the food. I didn't weight it. I only have a rough idea how many calories it might have been.

It's called the "caveman test."

Just ask yourself...

"Would a caveman have had access to this food?"

If the answer is "yes," then go for it!

If the answer is "no," then it's probably best you stay away from it.

If it can't be hunted, picked, or fished, avoid it at least 90% of the time.

You see, although our bodies have evolved from our caveman ancestors, our digestive system still operates best on unprocessed foods that occur in nature.

Here are a few things that a caveman WOULD have access to:

 Cruciferous vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cauliflower)
 Root vegetables (sweet potato, yam, jicama, carrot, onion, etc)

Here are a few things that cavemen WOULD NOT have had access to:

Canned fruit
 Dried fruit

Of course, I don't expect you to never eat stuff a caveman couldn't find. That's why I recommend you leave yourself a margin of about 10% that allows you to eat some processed foods.

Heck, you can even eat some of your favorite "cheat" foods now and then if you're following Ryan's "caveman" rule 90% of the time!

Losing body fat or staying slim doesn't have to be rocket science. In fact, most complicated diets actually make it harder to have the body you want.


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