The Protein and Bodybuilding
Most of people who go to the gym to build muscle do not know much information about amino acids , protein , and its importance in achieving their goal of building muscle
What is protein ?
It is molecules composed of a group of amino acids that the body broken and absorbed in order to rebuild and repair tissue and human needs about 20 amino acid in order to live , but our bodies can manufacture most of them but 8 amino acids only must be received by the body through food ( essential amino acids ) .
Protein molecules are big and complex made of small units called amino acids are linked together into long chains called " polypeptide " and consists of a series of protein or more of the peptide chains . The protein is one of the three main components of food important to the human body , and the other two components of carbohydrates and fats .
Protein is essential to human health In fact, our bodies , hair, muscles, nails etc. made basically from protein , if we look to muscles and nails , we will discover that proteins differ among themselves to form two different tissues so , because each series of the various amino acids are different molecule protein covering .
What is the chemical composition of proteins ?
All proteins contain carbon , hydrogen , nitrogen, oxygen and may contain some proteins also iron, phosphorus and sulfur. Proteins and large molecules made of smaller units called amino acids. the twenty amino acids in the synthesis of thousands of different proteins needed by the human body . The order consists of those proteins should be the body to get an adequate supply of all these acids . And some amino acids called essential amino acids the body can not produce and must be provided by the diverse food . The needs of children and adults to eight essential amino acids , while the infant needs to nine.
The amount of protein needed daily ::
American Organization of food and medicine said that the required amount of protein should be about 10 % of total calories consumed by the human per day, so each gram of protein contains four calories , it need to take 200 calories per day, about 10% of total calories obtained daily but the rate of global consumption of protein up to 90 grams per day ,eating 8 g per 10 kg of body weight is sufficient supply of protein .
The importance of protein intake for athletes ?
Sports need protein to build and repair body tissues and the formation of enzymes and hormones and other substances that the body uses to organize its operations , such as organizing the percentage of water in the body , citing the food and make the muscles in contractility , most athletes need a slightly larger quantities than non-athletes .
The amount of protein required for the bodybuilder ::
The bodybuilder must address enough amount of protein for basic need to body and help him exercise training efficiently , one of 2-2.5 g per kg of body weight per day .
This report written by : Coach Muhammed Abdel Fattah
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