Why Muscles Not Grow?

Written by Muhammad Abdel Fattah 

A very important issue for junior who frequent asked their coaches, why my muscles not grow? Please read

 1- For neglecting legs work out

Your muscles do not grow: For neglecting legs, work out The power generated from your lower half is essential for nearly every sport Working out the giant leg muscles causes your heart to beat really fast, like extreme cardio fast. "the source of the growth hormone testosterone exercises

  2- Follow your own Schedule

 Your muscles do not grow because you trying to apply the same schedule of workout and food diet of your friend that wrong your body is different than your friend.

 3 - Missing Drink Water

Your muscles do not grow: you neglected to drink water .The greatest portion of our body weight is made up of protein and water, with around 65% being water.

Water is critical to the balance of all the body's systems, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and muscles. so . Dehydration can also reduce endurance, decrease strength, cause cramping, and slow muscular response. throughout the day "to maintain body moisture."

  4- Over Trained

Your muscles do not grow: because you train to the point where they are actually getting weaker .It occurs when the volume and intensity of the exercise exceeds an individual's recovery capacity and can even begin to lose strength and fitness yourself straining exercises over energy "demolishes your muscles."

 5- Taking Supplements 

Your muscles do not grow: Because you do not take supplements which make it much easier to get the necessary nutrients to build muscle and can even give you an advantage and enhance your training when taken right and combined with a good diet.

 6- Sleeping Enough Time

Your muscles do not grow: Because you do not sleep well. Sleep serves many vital functions. For bodybuilders the main functions are growth and mental alertness.

Athletes will usually require seven to eight hours of sleep per night for optimum performance.

 7- Change Workout Regime

 Your muscles do not grow: because you do not change workout regime you should one alter their workout routine if they are not growing your muscles begin to adapt themselves to a certain style of training. it refuses to build extra muscle mass

 You should change the weight and increase it  every week.

You could also change sets and reps in an intelligent way that still keeps volume and balance the same. For example, if you’re doing 3 sets of 8 reps (24 reps total), you could switch it to 4 sets of 6 reps (still 24 reps total).

 8- Not Exercising Two Major Muscle

Your muscles do not grow: because   you exercise two major muscle groups at the same time. For example, combining leg and back exercises requires too much energy and is a drain on the nervous system. "

You won't able to lift with the same level of intensity when working the second

 9 - Exercising For Just One Hour

 Your muscles do not grow because you working out for more than an hour your levels of testosterone drop and levels or cortisol (the hormone that destroys muscle and promotes the storage of bady fat): you rehearse for more than an hour, "the body to secrete cortisol."

10 - Eating Enough Protein

 Your muscles do not grow: Because you do not eat five meals a day, has enough of the protein.

All the work you do in the gym is only half of the battle. The other half takes place in the kitchen. Muscle requires the right amount of nutrients to grow. That includes protein, carbs, and fat.

Your muscles are made up of over 25% to able to improve upon your muscle growth and maintenance by consuming protein around the time that you lift weights.

11 - Doing much Effort

Your muscles do not grow: because you do not make strong effort and focus on your work out  but laziness and negligence in performance.

12 - Increasing weights

Your muscles do not grow: Because you did not apply the style of increasing weights or duplicates and putting the muscle under pressure."

13 - Neglecting Cardio

 Your muscles do not grow: because you move between the two phases of "amplify and solidity," and neglect cardio and fitness exercises.

14 - Taking A Rest

Your muscles do not grow: because you take rest at home more or less than two days per week "become sluggish."

 15 - Practicing Without a Goal

Your muscles do not grow: Because you are practicing without a goal, "you don't want to climb = fear of falling."


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